Community Hub for the Shifting Healthcare Landscape

As COVID-19 continues to change our world, lives and businesses forever, MERGE has compiled resources from our healthcare communication and marketing experts to inform your organization’s strategies. Visit this resource daily for the latest news and data on the pandemic's global impacts and to find ways to help your business stay ahead of the curve.


Children's mental healthcare needs skyrocket during pandemic

Modern Healthcare | March 02, 2021
National and Global

Biden Vows Enough Vaccine ‘for Every Adult in America’ by End of May

The New York Times | March 02, 2021
National and Global

Why COVID vaccines are so difficult to compare

Nature | February 23, 2021
National and Global

CEOs search for a bigger role in getting America vaccinated

Axios | February 16, 2021
National and Global

CDC Advisers Weigh Second-Shot Delay to Quicken Vaccine Uptake

Bloomberg | February 16, 2021
National and Global

Providers manage crisis communications during COVID-19 pandemic

Modern Healthcare | February 16, 2021

COVID-19 Dashboard

total confirmed
cases worldwide


total deceased


total tested
in the us


total recovered