Health Providers, Experience, Platforms

Mapping Your Digital Maturity In Healthcare

See how MERGE’s Digital Experience Maturity Model can help your healthcare organization navigate its digital transformation journey. Assess your current capabilities, identify improvement areas, and create a strategic roadmap for sustained growth and competitive advantage


PUBLISHED: 7/11/2024

Understanding where your healthcare organization stands in terms of digital experience platform maturity is essential for sustained growth and competitive advantage. MERGE’s Digital Experience Maturity Model serves as a comprehensive framework for healthcare organizations to evaluate their current platform capabilities across several critical dimensions, including Scaling and Growth, Content Management, Content Operations, Personalization and Testing, and Integrations.


Mapping Your Digital Maturity In Healthcare


Use it to identify gaps and opportunities that can serve as a roadmap for the digital transformation journey.


From Beginner to Excelling, each stage represents a distinct phase in a healthcare organization's digital evolution. From the initial struggles of managing high operating costs and inconsistent brand experiences at the Beginner stage, to driving growth with digital excellence and creating immersive, personalized user experiences at the Excelling stage.


Knowing what maturity level your organization should aim for involves a realistic assessment of your current digital capabilities and aligning your digital strategy with your overall objectives.


While the ultimate goal might be to excel in all dimensions, it's crucial to prioritize according to what delivers the most value to your organization and the individuals it serves. For some, enhancing Content Management and Personalization might offer the quickest wins, while others may benefit more from focusing on Scaling and Growth or Integrations to support their organizational model.


Building a roadmap from this exercise involves setting clear, measurable goals for each dimension. It begins with identifying the gaps between your current state and the desired level of maturity. From there, develop a phased plan that outlines specific initiatives, responsible teams, required investments in technology and skills development, and a timeline for achieving these milestones. Regular review and adjustment of this roadmap will be necessary as your healthcare enterprise grows and as digital technology evolves.


Think you’re ready? The journey to a better digital experience platform can be completed in two simple steps!


Step One: Review the maturity model above and plot where you are on the curve currently. Then, mark where you'd like to be next year and in the next three years.


Step Two: Chat with MERGE's digital experience expert, Keir Bradshaw, for 30 minutes about your results. The conversation will include an assessment on where you should be, where your competitors land, and 1-2 high-impact moves you can make to help immediately.