Get Your Data House in Order
Measure, Optimize & Predict
MERGE offers Analytics and Data Science solutions ranging from the foundational to the advanced. While our Analytics and Data Science offerings interconnect, they are unique and together they bring our clients the best in drawing meaningful insights, optimizing performance, and predicting the future.
Our Analytics team sets our clients up for success with tag management tool implementation, website analytics platform optimization, and in-depth analysis to answer critical business questions on website, product, and visitor performance.
Our Analytics team focuses on improving website and business performance through expert analysis, implementing testing strategies, conducting usability studies, and providing key insights to enable our clients to take action to improve results.
Data Science
Our Data Science team uses Machine Learning, advanced statistics, and data modeling to make predictions.
After the Analytics team ensures the right data is being collected, our Data Scientists utilize regression, classification, and predictive analytics so our clients can influence future business outcomes. Being able to predict the future is key to shaping the future.
Our Data Scientist understand the unique challenges facing the retail industry and being able to predict the quarter’s revenue, inventory depletion rates and product velocity, and which customers will churn is a significant competitive advantage.