
The 10 Most Common Marketing Automation Questions Every Marketer Asks

PUBLISHED: 1/1/0001

The world of marketing automation can be overwhelming and noisy.

In our experience, there’s no shortage of questions about marketing automation best practices, including email tips, lead lifecycles, scoring, Marketo services – the list goes on. MERGE's team of Marketo consultants has in-depth knowledge of Marketo and marketing automation; here, we’ve compiled Marketo answers to the many marketing automation questions we get.

The Top 10 Marketing Automation Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we receive, along with answers: 

Question: How do I track the ROI of a Marketo marketing campaign?
Answer: Bizible offers an all-in-one tool to capture and model marketing interactions, to help your team understand the contribution of marketing efforts to revenue. Read more in this post about the benefits of marketing attribution.

Question: Which campaigns drive the most marketing qualified leads (MQLs)?
Answer: A staggering 58% of marketers rate their ability to measure and analyze marketing performance as “needs improvement or worse.” In this blog post, we cover how to turn your Marketo data into actionable insights.

Question: How can I track offline programs in Marketo?
Answer: It is possible to track and measure offline campaigns in Marketo– get the skinny in this post, How to Leverage Marketo to Create and Track an Offline Customer Experience.

Question: How much time does it take for a lead to become a customer?
Answer: The answer to this question depends on your criteria for your lead scoring. But fear not, we’ve got Marketo lead scoring tips for you as well.

Question: How do I make sure the sales team is being sent the Marketo leads that are ready to become customers?
Answer: It never fails: marketing sends a lead to sales and sales says the lead isn’t qualified. Read more about this conundrum and how to fix it in this post, That MQL Was C-R-A-P!

Question: How do I integrate our third-party services into Marketo?
Answer: MERGE offers pre-built, best practice Marketo architecture, and third party integrations– including your webinar provider and CRM integrations. Learn more about our SCORE Architecture.

Question: What steps do I need to take to ensure my email marketing campaigns comply with various anti-spam laws in different countries and how can this be tracked and managed in Marketo?
Answer: We have many resources on GDPR and CCPA. Check out this post on how to manage GDPR data rights in Marketo and this overview on CCPA.

Question: Which marketing channels are the most cost-effective for generating new leads?
Answer: Compare your options with Marketo and Revenue Explorer vs. Bizible. Both provide insight into a customer’s journey; which option you select depends on your level of marketing sophistication and the complexity of questions your organization seeks to answer. Read more in this post, Reporting and Attribution in Marketo: Comparing your Options.

Question: I want to increase personalization on my website – what are some of the ways this can be done with Marketo and the information we have about our leads?
Answer: Personalization starts with actionable data. Check out this resource, 5 Tips for Turning Your Marketing Data into Actionable Insights.

Question: We conduct a lot of webinars and produce a lot of content – what’s the most effective way to manage these activities in Marketo?
Answer: Our Marketo consultants are always ready to offer Marketo tips and tricks. In this post, they share 10 Time-Saving Marketo Hacks, including improving the efficiency of webinar programs.

Got more marketing automation questions? We encourage you to schedule a call with us. Our Marketo experts are happy to chat with you more and provide support for you and your marketing operations team.